
1_Poetic Structure

The first task, that I realized with processing
consisted in two circles of points, that moved
around the sketch as the mouse is moved
through the screen. When two points of two
different circles are very close to each other, a line
perpendicular to the line between the two points
is generated, and the midpoint of it becomes a point
of a bezier curve that goes through all of the generated

2_Poetic Sculpture

Using Modo, I tried to translate the previous 2d
image, in a 3d model. Then I duplicated it, and
joined the two through inclined surfaces, that
are supposed to look like they are dancing.

3_Poetic Building

To elevate my object to a building status, I tried
to imagine how functions could happen in the
holes that characterized my shape. To cover them
glass roofs have been used, flat for the top ones,
"inflated" for the bottom ones, wich I wanted to look
like they were coming out of the ground.

4_ Poetic Image

For the last task, I used as reference image, a screenshot from one of my favourite movies, that is Blade Runner. I tried to emulate the mood of the city of Los Angeles in the movie, using the same colour scheme, and neon lights.